Tonight on FOX their new reboot Fantasy Island airs with an all-new Monday, February 13, 2023, episode and we have your Fantasy Island recap below. On tonight’s Fantasy Island season, 2 episode 6 called “Forever and a Day,” as per the FOX synopsis, “Oliver’s fantasy is to surprise his boyfriend Emilio with the perfect proposal, but when Emilio says no, Oliver finds himself reliving that day over and over again.
Meanwhile, Roarke, also caught in the time loop, must confront her fears about her relationship with Javier.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Fantasy Island recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, spoilers, news & more, right here!
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In tonight’s Fantasy Island episode, Helen’s birthday was coming up. This was the first birthday she’s ever gotten to spend with her father and so Javier wanted to keep it simple. He wanted it to be him, Helene, and Elena. Just the three of them.
He was building a relationship with Helene and he wanted Elena to be a part of that because she’s a major factor in his life. Javier also had the extra time. He couldn’t bring in the new clients. His plane was still under repair after last week’s events. And so the new clients had to take a helicopter to the island as well as driving for hours in a jeep to reach Elena’s office.
After all of that, Dr. Nancy Lee was too tired to think about her fantasy. She had been traveling for so long that all she wanted do was go to sleep. She said she would live her fantasy out the next day. The other newbies came to an island with very distinctive fantasies.
Emilio and his boyfriend Oliver came to the island because the plan was for them to spend time together without Emilio’s work always getting in the way. Emilio works long hours. He constantly takes call on the weekends. And this vacation was the third one that his boyfriend Oliver had planned in a year.
Yet, it was the first one they ever got to take because again Emilio was always so busy. Emilio didn’t know that Oliver had his own plans for the vacation and that’s why he kept pushing Emilio to finally take the time off. Oliver wanted to propose.
He’s planned it down to the last detail. He wanted everything to be perfect and unfortunately perfection was just something no one could control. Oliver eventually would get to propose after doing a song and dance number. And Emilio would turn him down.
Emilio didn’t explain why he didn’t want to get married. He just ran off after Oliver got down on one knee. He even got his own room in the aftermath and so Oliver went to bed feeling bad for himself only to wake up the next day on literally the same day. He was trapped in a time loop.
The only other person who realized they were in a loop was Elena. Elena was trapped reliving the same day as well. She did go out to dinner with Javier and Helene. It had been a bust. Helene was uncomfortable. Elena thought at first it was because Helene didn’t really mean it when she said she wanted to go simple.
Elena then went big. She made a whole production out it and again Helene didn’t like it. Oliver tried the reverse. She tried going simpler with his proposal, but again Emilio turned him down. It took at least three tries before Oliver got a yes out of him and then the day started over again. Oliver had no idea what was going on. He thought the time loop would stop once he got his heart’s desire and instead he realized that maybe he needed to do some work on himself before he should propose to Emilio.
There to help was Dr. Nancy. She slept in on that first day and she finally revealed that her fantasy was to finally deal with a complex problem. She felt like she was stuck in a rut with her usual patients. Their problems didn’t challenge her. They weren’t willing to allow her to help them and so she wanted a challenge and the island provided one. They gave her Oliver and Elena. Nancy pushed Oliver to confront the realities about his relationship. As in it wasn’t great to begin with. Emilio constantly had one foot out the door and Oliver could never be honest with him.
They’ve never fought or even had a disagreement about anything. Oliver would bury his own problems to focus on Emilio and that wasn’t a relationship. Not a fair one or one that supports Oliver in any way. Oliver’s relationship with the guy before Emilio hadn’t been great. The other guy had been obsessed with “Lord of the Rings”. Oliver didn’t care for them and he joked that maybe they should break up if he has to watch any of the movies one more time. And so the guy actually called a taxi for Oliver.
Oliver went on to meet Emilio a week later. He tried bury his feelings. He never allowed Emilio to see him unhappy and it hurt when he realized that Emilio was planning on breaking up with him. Emilio wanted to let him down easy. Its why he finally agreed to come on vacation. Once Oliver realized there was no hope, he spent a day drinking away with Elena. Elena had gotten to the crux of her own problems as well. It turns out Helene resented Elena’s presence in her life. Helene was in mourning and she misses her mom and she doesn’t want her mom to be replaced by Elena.
Elena realized there was nothing she could do to not make Helena resent her. So, she let Helene feel what she’s feeling. Elena also had to give Oliver a dose of reality because he thought if he didn’t propose that he could stay stuck in a time loop with a man he loves and Elena was there to point out that being stuck in a time loop wasn’t a life. Oliver deserved something better than that. Oliver would later break up with Emilio. He said he had to do some work on himself. He thought him focusing on perfection hadn’t been all that great in the long run for either of them.
And once he did that, they finally stopped the time loop. Emilio does love Oliver. He was willing to be there for Oliver as he works on himself and so this time Emilio proposed to Oliver and Oliver said yes because he does really love Emilio back. And Nancy was given a complex problem when she let herself become the patient. So, she was free to finally enjoy her lie now too.
But Elena broke her own heart when she broke up with Javier because right now he needed to focus on Helene.