So many people are joining Live.Me! It is the #1 social platform for broadcasting and watching live stream videos. You can broadcast live, video chat, and even add your favorite celebrities on the app, such as Chad Lindberg!
Chad has appeared in many movies, including the original The Fast and The Furious film where he played the role of Jesse. He has also been in television shows such as Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and has also co-hosted the Ghost Stalkers TV series.
You can follow Chad Lindberg on Live.Me using ChadLindberg.
You can download the application on either Google Play or the App Store. Then, you can sign in to Live.Me with your Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or Instagram account. You can also create an account with your email. Once you’re logged in, search “ChadLindberg.”
Chad is an active user on the app, so make sure you don’t miss his next livestream by adding Chad on Live.Me now! You can also stay updated on the latest celebs using the app by following Live.Me on twitter at .
Go add Chad on Live.Me and make sure to tweet us at !